Lola institute Ltd is a research and development institute 100% owned by the Republic of Serbia accredited by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
Institute was founded in 1985, by integration of Insitute for machine tools and tools (IAMA) and Institute for new technologies Ivo Lola Ribar (ILR) which produced machine tools, robots, process, metallurgy other equipment.
Today Lola institute is an independent research and development institute and its main activities are machine tools, robotics, control systems, equipment for training of pilots and flight simulation, equipment for processing of community waste and small hydroelectric power plants.
Skupština Istraživačko-razvojnog instituta LOLA, društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću, Beograd dana 19.11.2021. donela je Odluku broj 292 o raspisivanju javnog konkurs za imenovanje direktora za mandatni period od 4 godine (1 izvršilac). Javni konkurs za imenovanje direktora objavljen je u dnevnom listu „ПОЛИТИКА“ dana 27.11.2021. Javni konkurs objavljen u dnevnom listu „ПОЛИТИКА“ možete videti ovde.