
Radomir Radiša
Rukovodilac programa

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Istraživačka oblast

Mini hidroelektrane,računarska simulacija livenja metala, proračuni metodom konačnih elemenata, projektovanje mašinskih delova i sistema



Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, dipl. maš. inž.


Stručni saradnik


Projekti su finansirani od evropske komisije:

  1. FP7 project: STEPMAN - Development of a STEP and STEP-NC standard-based integrated product lifecycle management solution to increase the competitiveness of European machine tool manufacturing SMEs (24.02.2012-24.02.2015).
  2. EUREKA project E!6735-ESPAL, Energy Savings by application of Electromagnetic Field in production of Al-alloy billets by DC casting method, Belgrade University/Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, 2011−2013.
  3. EUREKA project E!3860, Automatic design of 3D digital engineering objects, Belgrade University/Faculty of Mechanical engineering and LOLA institute, 2007−2011.

Projekti su finanasirani od strene Valde Republike Srbije (Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj):

  1. TR 035023, Razvoj uređaja za trening pilota i dinamičku simulaciju leta modernih borbenih aviona i to 3-osne centrifuge i 4-osnog uređaja za prostornu dezorijentaciju pilota, LOLA Institut, Beograd, 2011−2014.
  2. TR-19041, Virtuelna proizvodnja odlivaka primenom CAE tehnika, simulacija livenja metala i legura - uštede u livnicma i alatnicama Srbije, Beograd, 01.4.2008-31.3.2010.
  3. TR 6319B, Implementacija automatizovanog projektovanja obradnih sistema i procesa u indistriji prerade metala“, LOLA Institut Beograd, 2004-2007.
  4. TR-6332B, Razvoj nove generacije visokoproduktivnih teških CNC alatnih mašina, Beograd, 2004-2007.
  5. MIS.3.07.0164.B, Obrazovni CIM sistem, Beograd, 2002-2005.
  6. TR 6758 B, Osvajanje tehnologije zavarivanja istorodnih i raznorodnih materijala postupkom zavarivanja trenjem alatom, Lola institut, Beograd.
  7. EE 719-1019 B, Male hidroelektrane sa banki turbinama za proizvodnju električne energije i direktne veze sa pumpnim sistemima, Beograd, 2003-2005.

Najznačajniji komercijalni projekti u industriji:

  1. Generalni projekat mhe „brusnik” na reci Moravici, LOLA institut, beograd, 2013.
  2. Projektovanje, proizvodnja i montaža radnog kola peltonove turbine za mhe „Seljašnica”, ElektroSrbija Kraljevo, 2010.
  3. Glavni projekat mhe „Studenica”, mašinski deo, Beograd, 2007.
  4. Projektovanje, proizvodnja i montaža prototipa Banki turbine BT90.K, LOLA institut, Beograd, 2007.
  5. Ispitivanje, 3D konstruisanje i proračun ventilatora za izabcivanje vazduha TE Obrenovac, LOLA institut, Beograd, 2007.
  6. Računarska simulacija livenja metala, 20 projekata za livnice u Srbiji, LOLA institt, Beograd, 2002-2013.
  7. Proračun napona i deformacija mašinskih delova i sklopova,10 projekata, LOLA institut, Beograd, 2000-2013.
  8. Čelični nosač za magnet, Evropska organizacija za nuklearna istraživanja-CERN, LOLA institt, Beograd, 2003.
  9. Sitem za pozicioniranje i izmenu inflektora ciklotrona VINCY, Akceleratorska instalacija Tesla, LOLA institut, 2003.
  10. Radiofrekventni sistem ciklotrona VINCY, Akceleratorska instalacija Tesla, LOLA institut, 2002.
  11. Sitem za merenje magnetnog polja ciklotrona VINCY, Akceleratorska instalacija Tesla, LOLA institut, 2001.
  12. Magnetna struktura ciklotrona VINCY, Akceleratorska instalacija Tesla, LOLA institut, 2000.


Rad u tematskom zborniku međunarodnog značaja:

  1. R. Radiša, Z. Gulišija, “Virtual manufacturing of casting using CAE techniques, metals and alloys casting simulation – savings in Serbian foundries and tool-rooms”, MACHINE DESIGN-2009, ISBN 978-86-7892-105-6, printed by: Faculty of technical Sciences, Graphic Center-GRID Novi Sad, publisher: Faculty of the Technical Sciences University of Novi Sad, p. 271-276, 2008.

Rad objavljen u časopisu sa SCI liste:

  1. R. Slavkovic, Z. Jugovic, D. Kozak, A. Veg, R. Radisa, S. Dragicevic, M. Popovic. "Simulation of the casting process- a powerful tool for enhanced design of the cutting teeth in surface mining", Metalurgija-Metallurgy ISSN 0543-5846, Vol. 52 / NO 3/ page 293-297, Society of engineers and technicians of steelworks Sisak, Zagreb 2013. Original Scientific Paper.
  2. S. Manasijevic, Z. Pavlovic-Acimovic, K. Raic, R. Radisa, V. Kvrgić, Optimisation of cast pistons made of Al–Si piston alloy, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, ISSN 1364-0461, DOI: 10.1179/1743133612Y.0000000007, (IF=0.520, 36/74, 2011), Online 14.12.2012: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/ijcmr/pre-prints
  3. Najdenov, R. Radiša, K. Raić, “Microeconomics of the Materials and Energents Consumption in a Simulated Copper Casting Process”, Metallurgia Italiana, ISSN 0026-0843, 2012, 5, pp. 51-56.
  4. S. Marković, M. Stakić, S. Manasijević, Z. Kamberović, R. Radiša, M. Korać, “Examination of the Microstructure and Properties of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Casting 6060 Aluminum Alloy Billets and Bars”, Practical Metallography, ISSN 0032-678X, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2012, 49, pp. 736–755, http://www.practical-metallography.com/PM110185, (IF=0.214, 60/75, 2011).
  5. S. Manasijevic, S. Markovic, Z. Acimovic–Pavlovic, K. Raic, R. Radisa, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of piston alloys, Materials and Technology, ISSN 1580-2949, 5/2013 (IF=0.804, 151/232 za 2011).
  6. S. Manasijević, R. Radiša, Z. Aćimović-Pavlović, S. Marković, K. Raić, “Thermal Analysis and Microscopic Characterization of The Piston Alloy AlSi13Cu4Ni2Mg”, DOI: 10.1016/j. internet. 2010.11.011, Intermetallics, ISSN 0966-9795, 2011, 19, pp. 486–492.
  7. S. Manasijević, R. Radiša, S. Marković, K. Raić, Z. Aćimović-Pavlović, “Implementation of the infrared thermography for thermo-mechanical analysis of the AlSi cast piston”, Practical Metallography ISSN 0032-678X, 46 (2009) 11, page 565÷579, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2009.


Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampanog u celini (M33):

  1. Vesna Mandic, Radomir Radisa, Vladan Lukovic, and Milan Curcic, Integrated Model-Based Manufacturing for Rapid Product and Process Development, Advances in Production Management Systems Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services, Springer, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2012, Rhodes, Greece, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part II.
  2. S. Manasijević, R. Radiša, V. Kvrgić, S. Marković, “Virtual Casting for the Optimization of Technological Casting Parameters of the Pump Housing”, Proceedings of the 44th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, ISBN 978-86-7827-042-0, October 1-3, 2012, Bor, pp. 533-538.
  3. S. Manasijević, R. Radiša, S. Marković, Z. Pavlović-Aćimović, K. Raić, “Optimization Technological Parameters of Piston Casting using Information Technology”, Proceedings Book of the 12th International Foundrymen Conference, Sustainable Development in Foundry Materials and Technologies, ISBN 978-953-7082-14-7, pp. 236–246, Opatija, Croatia, May 24–25, 2012, www.simet.hr/~foundry.
  4. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, V. Kvrgić, A. Stepanović, Z. Radosavljević, “Implementation of Reverse Engineering Technology and Virtual Production in the Development and Construction of Hydro Turbines”, Proceedings Book of the 12th International Foundrymen Conference, Sustainable Development in Foundry Materials and Technologies, ISBN 978-953-7082-14-7, pp. 363–371, Opatija, Croatia, May 24–25, 2012, www.simet.hr/~foundry
  5. S. Marković, M. Cibaldi, M. Stakić, S. Manasijević, R. Radisa, “Effect of use of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on the Production and Properties of Direct Chill Cast 6060 Aluminum Alloy”, Proceedings of the 52nd International Foundry Conference Portorož, ISBN 978-961-90130-7-6, pp. 1-13, September 12–14, 2012, http://www.drustvo-livarjev.si.
  6. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, Z. Gulišija, V. Kvrgić, S. Marković, “Business Cluster (BC) for the Development of Foundry Industry with the Application of CAE Techniques of Metal Casting ”, Tehnicki fakultet u Boru, Univerzitet u Beogradu, www.ioc.tf.bor.ac.rs, ISBN 978-86-80987-87-3, 2011, pp. 665-668.
  7. S. Manasijević, S. Marković, M. Stakić, R. Radiša, “Effect of Low-Frequency Magnetic Field on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Casting 6060 Aluminium Alloy”, Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, ISBN 978-86-80987-87-3, pp. 661–664, 2011, http://www.ioc.tf.bor.ac.rs/index.php/Final-programme-2011/Program/conf-proceedings-papers
  8. R. Slavković, Z. Jugović, I, Milićević, M. Popović, R. Radiša, “Optimization of CAD/CAM/CAE Design of the Connecting Part of Excavator's Tooth Through the Simulation of Manufacturing Technology”, Proceedings of the 34th International conference on production engineering, September 28-30, 2011, Niš, Serbia.
  9. R. Albijanić, M. Benišek, V. Bošković, R. Radiša, “Neki aspekti u ispitivanju vibraciono-pulsacioog stanja hidroagregata”, Crnogorski nacionalni komitet međunarodnog vijeća za velike električne mreže CIGRE, 2. Savjetovanje, 16-19. Maj 2011, Pržno, Crna Gora.
  10. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, S. Marković, Optimizacija tehnologija livenja metala primenom softverskih alata, 9 međunarodna konferencija o dostignućima elektrotehnike, mašinstva i informatike-DEMI 2009, Zbornik radova ISBN 978-9938-39-23-1, str. 175÷180, Mašinski fakultet, Banja Luka, 28-29.05.2009, http://demi.rs.ba/2009/en/doc/eng_spisak_prijavljenih.pdf
  11. R. Radiša, S. Marković, J. Pristavec, V. Kvrgić, S. Manasijević, Use of CAE techniques in the virtual design of metal casting technology-saving in Serbian foundries, Conference Proceedings ISSN 1318-9123, pp. 1–8., 48th Internacional Foundry Conference-Portorož, Slovenija, September 2008, http://www.drustvolivarjev.si/podatki/Program_portoroz_ang_01.pdf.
  12. Gulišija Z., Mihailović M., Radiša R., Improvement the Production Technology of Ductile Iron Radial Castings, 4th Balkan Conference on Metallurgy. Scientific achievements and perspective of metals industry in South-East Europe, ISSN 86-9043993-4-x, page 521-525, Serbia, Zlatibor, 27-29 September 2006.
  13. Radiša R., Gulišija Z., Primena CAE tehnika u proizvodnji odlivaka ,IX međunarodno naučno-stručna konferencija, Zbornik radova ISBN 86-85211-96-4, str. 121-123, Srbija i Crna Gora. Novi Sad, Jun 2006.
  14. Radiša R., Jaramaz D., Obradović I., Beličev P., Application of a numerical simulation in the design of vital loaded structures, 5th International Conference on Industrial Tools, Conference proceedings ISBN 961-90401-9-8, page 303-307, Slovenija, Velenje, Celje, April 2005.
  15. Pristavec J., Radiša R., Tanić D.: Optimization of steel casting process design, 6th International foundrymen conference, proceedings book ISBN 953-7082-008, page 1-6, Croatia, Opatija, Jun 2005.
  16. Zeljković V., Vukićević V., Albijanić R., Radiša R. : Razvoj opreme za elektrane na vetar, Međunarodno savetovanje, Zbornik radova ISBN , page 1-7, Energetika 2005, Zlatibor, Jun 2005.


Rad sa međunarodnog skupa štampan u izvodu:

  1. S. B. Vorozhzsov, A. S. Vorozhzsov, A. Dobrosavljevic, V. Vujovic, Lj. Vukosavljevic, Dj. Kosutic, M. Rajcevic, S. Cirkovic, I. Obradovic and R. Radisa, Forces within the magnetic structure of the VINCY Cyclotron, European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, page 44-45,  Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, October 2005.
  2. Rajčević M., Obradović I., Radiša R. Vujović V.:, Design of the spiral inflector exchange system of the VINCY Cyclotron, XXXIV European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, Laboratory of Physics, ISBN , page 51, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, October 2005


Poglavlje u monografiji nacionalnog značaja:

  1. Radiša R., Gulišija Z., Primena konkurentnog inženjerstva pri razvoju i optimizaciji tehnologija livenja metala, Monografija „Racionalno korišćenje energije u metalurgiji i procesnoj industriji” ISBN 86-906251-3-5, COBISS.SR-ID 129291788, str. 35-45, Srbija, Beograd, Mart 2006.


Uređivanje naučne monografije, tematskog zbornika:

  1. S. Manasijević, “Klipovi za motore SUS”, Monografija ISBN 978-86-912177-0-9, , izdavač: LOLA Institut Beograd, Odgovorni urednik R. Radiša, 2009.

Kategorija M80- Tehnička rešenja:

  1. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, V. mandić, R. Milićević, Radno kolo peltonove turbine dobijeno primenom tehnika reverznog inženjerstva, korisnik: ElektroSrbija Kraljevo, Beograd 2013.
  2. V. Kvrgić, M. Bućan, R. Radiša, M. Vasić, V. Čarapić, I. Lazarević, Tehničko rešenje, „Vertikalni petoosni strugarski obradni centar DVS 40 BG”, korisnik: METALNA Maribor i LOLA MONTAVAR, Beograd, 2010.
  3. M. Benišek, N. Mišić, B. Ignjatović, R. Radiša, I. Božić, D. Ilić, Đ. Čantrak, Tehničko rešenje „Industrijski prototip konzolna banki turbina BT90-K”, korisnikMiroslav Tešić, Užice, Beograd 2006.

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