Aleksandar Stepanović, B.Sc. mash. eng.
Principal Technical Associate

Tel: +381 11 357 29 95
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Fields of interest

Hydraulic machines, pipelines, vibrations, mechanical engineering


The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. mash. eng. (2011)


2021. Junior Researcher


  1. Project of hydro machine equipment of 8 drainage stations in Stari Kostolac
  2. Participated in over 10 projects in the field of pipeline design, including high-pressure pipeline projects (1800 bar) for ExxonMobil petrochemical plants, oil refinery, and polymer factory (Antwerpen, Belgium)
  3. Reconstruction project of hydromechanical equipment of RIT pumping station (Veliko Gradište, Serbia)
  4. Reconstruction project of hydro machine equipment of RIBNJAK pumping station (Kladovo, Serbia)
  5. Reconstruction project of hydro machine dam equipment for water supply and flood protection BOVAN (Aleksinac, Serbia)
  6. Reconstruction project of hydro machine dam equipment for flood protection MEMORIAL PARK (Kragujevac, Serbia)
  7. Reconstruction project of hydro machine dam equipment for water supply and flood protection BARJE (Leskovac, Serbia)
  8. Reconstruction project of hydro machine dam equipment for flood protection Krajkovac (Merošina, Serbia)
  9. The revitalization project of the machine hall door of the DJERDAP 1 hydroelectric power plant (Kladovo, Serbia)


  1. Vidaković J., Stepanović A., Lazarević M., Kvrgić V., Divnić D.: Usage of CAE environment within control algorithms design for a centrifuge motion simulator -The 10th International Symposium on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering-KOD 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, June 6-8, pp. 80-81, 2018 (M34)
  2. Savković M., Bulatović R., Gašić M., Pavlović G., Stepanović A.: Optimization of the box section of the main girder of the single-girder bridge crane by applying biologically inspired algorithms, Engineering Structures, ISSN: 0141-0296, Vol. 148, pp. 452−465, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.07.004, 2017. (M21)
  3. Maja Lutovac Banduka, Zoran Dimić, Stefan Mitrović, Aleksandar Stepanović, Vladimir Kvrgić, Reconfigurable Virtual Environment for Multirobot Operations and its Application in Education,Telfor Journal, Vol. 8, No.2,pp.127-132, 2016. (M52)
  4. Pavlović G., Stepanović A., Vidaković J., Savković M., Zdravkovic N.  Design optimization of the box section of the single-girder bridge crane by generalized reduced gradient algorithm -IMK –14, Vol. 21, no. 3, pp. ЕN79-EN86, ISSN 0354-6829, 2015. (M52)
  5. Stepanić P., Krošnjar A., Pavlović G., Stepanović A., Implementation of wireless control on electrical bridge cranes and gantry crane, 23rd Telecommunications forum “TELFOR 2015”, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0054-8, p.p. 681-684, Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-26, 2015. (M33)
  6. Lutovac M., Dimić Z., Mitrović S., Stepanović A.: RECONFIGURABLE MULTI-ROBOT VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT, 23rd Telecommunications forum “TELFOR 2015”, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0054-8, p.p. 954-957, Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-26, 2015. (M33)
  7. Lutovac M., Vidaković J., Dančuo Z., Stepanović A.,: Unapređenje sistema za programiranje, simulaciju i udaljeno praćenje kretanja manipulatora primenom novih računarskih tehnologija i alata, bitno poboljšan postojeći proizvod, korisnik: Tehnička škola, Jugoslovenska 4, Železnik, Beograd. Prihvatio-primenjuje: Lola Institut d.o.o. Beograd, 2013. (M84)
  8. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, V. Kvrgić, A. Stepanović, Z. Radosavljević, Implementation of reverse engineering technology and virtual production in the development and construction of hydro turbines, 12th International Foundrymen Conference, Sustainable Development in Foundry Materials and Technologies, PROCEEDINGS BOOK, ISBN 978-953-7082-14-7, 24–25th May, Opatija, Croatia, pp. 363–371, 2012. (M30)

