We proudly inform the scientific society and our business partners that Lola Institute Ltd. was granted full membership of EFFRA on March 7th 2014, being the first and only member from SEE region. EFFRA (The European Factories of the Future Research Association) is a non-for-profit, industry-driven association promoting the development of new and innovative production technologies. It brings together the most eminent research organisations, universities, industrial enterprises and trade associations from across Europe. The key objective of EFFRA is to promote the implementation of the “Factories of the Future” - a research programme worth over €1 billion, launched by The European Commission. Supported through the Horizon 2020, the overall aim of this programme is to enable a more sustainable and a more competitive European industry.
More information on EFFRA and the ‘Factories of the Future’ can be found on: http://www.effra.eu